Upgrade Rocky Linux 8 to 9 CLI

I thought I would share my version of how I updated the server that runs this blog from Rocky 8 to Rocky 9 without a clean install. I want to mention this is a do at your own risk post, this is not officially supported.

!!!Do not attempt this if you do not have backups and a way to fully recover your system.!!!

The first step I took was go to the rocky download site and make sure I grabbed the latest GPG, RELEASE and REPOS:


You will need to modify the below command to match the version you find in the above site, once that is complete you can run it.

One road block was dnf did not like that I had remi and epel release 8, so I removed them and it went fine.

Find the epel and remi release rpms:

Remove them:

Upgrade your system to 9 from 8:

I ignored this error, it seems like its just a GPG error:


Rebuild the RPM database to now use SQLITE:

Thats it, reboot:

I did have some issues with dnf where I needed to reset some modules.

I needed to reset the modules one by one, there may be more on your system:

That seemed to fix it, good luck.

2 thoughts on “Upgrade Rocky Linux 8 to 9 CLI”

    1. Thanks for the comment, in my post I ran into an error with the first DNF run. I needed to perform additional actions before re-running DNF, others may not hit the issue and one dnf install may suffice.

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