Python Mysql Connector

Thought I would try my hand at some SQL programming with Python, I was stuck using a Windows machine(BLAH) I wanted to setup a MySQL database and 1 table for testing. I am on a Windows machine so I installed WAMP which is a Windows Apache Mysql Php server. You can get the installer for Windows here:

You can get the python library / module here:

Mysql Python
Using PhpMyAdmin I setup a database and added the table.


As you can see I created a function that added data into my new database. I pass it 4 parameters, id-name-dept-salary, when you execute this script the database gets populated with the correct data. Pretty cool!!

Here is how you can see the help and call the command properly:
help command

Here is what you can see when performing a select * from the table.
database command

Here is the awesome IDE pyCharm and the results from running the code.
Here is an example of how to query that database from the table.

Here is the output of the fetch command using ID as a parameter:
database command

Took me a while to figure out the syntax, so hopefully this helps someone.