PSQL Connect To AWS Redshift From Windows 10 PowerShell

Coming from a completely Linux background, I was tasked with connecting to a aws redshift cluster or a postgres cluster via Windows powershell and PSQL. I knew it was possible and searching the internet came up with CMD prompt solutions, when I attempted via powershell, I was faced with the following error below, you will need to install postgres on windows10 to get access to the psql binary, you can get it here:

Turns out a colleague of mine and I figured out you will need to set the variable PGCLIENTENCODING via the powershell command line. This was expected but we could not nail down the syntax, we found it.

Once this is set, you can connect to PG as normal.

2 thoughts on “PSQL Connect To AWS Redshift From Windows 10 PowerShell”

  1. Thanks for this! Coming from a similar background this was immensely helpful in getting connected

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