centos8 postgresql-11-check-db-dir[]: is missing or empty

We have been rolling out CENTOS8 in our lower environments for testing, we use a dedicated vmware virtual server with centos8 minimal install, we only apply hardening techniques to these systems other than the main application, which is pg11 here. These systems use a LVM mounted ext4 filesystem for the data directory.

Recently on 3 of the new PG VMS after reboot we noticed that PG did not start, this also seemed intermittent, even though we have enabled the systemd service to start on reboots. So I checked the pg startup log and did not find too much about the issue. So I checked /var/log/messages and found the issue.

I checked the systemd service file and saw that out of the box postgres had the following:

After=Syslog.target This is a special target unit in systemd and is the standardized name to pull in a syslog implementation.

After=network.target has very little meaning during start-up. It only indicates that the network management stack is up after it has been reached. Whether any network interfaces are already configured when it is reached is undefined.

WantedBy=multi-user.target normally defines a system state where all network services are started up and the system will accept logins, but a local GUI is not started. This is the typical default system state for server systems, which might be rack-mounted headless systems in a remote server room.

Those options above will not ensure that all filesystems in fstab are mounted before postgres starts. So what we were seeing was a classic race condition where postgres started before the data directory was mounted. As I previously mentioned we use a custom PGDATA location. So after some research I found my option that fixed this. You will need to edit the pg11 service and add the following, then reload systemd and reboot and all should work. You can find your LVM mount by running the following:

You can see my u02-data1.mount in the output, so edit and add the override file with the following, if you have multiple mounts, you can add them as well.
Edit with: systemctl edit postgresql-11

Reload the daemon with: systemctl daemon-reload

After=local-fs.target systemd-fstab-generator(3) automatically adds dependencies of type Before= to all mount units that refer to local mount points for this target unit. In addition, it adds dependencies of type Wants= to this target unit for those mounts listed in /etc/fstab that have the auto mount option set.

CENTOS6 Postgres pg_upgrade 9 to 11 – In Place – Link – No Copy – Limited Disk Space

I wanted to share my experience with upgrading postgres database server from major version 9 to 11. I am showing the steps that I took to get many servers in dev and production upgraded with limited disk space(not enough space to copy). I am hoping this will help with the problems I faced when testing this procedure. Using the –link parameter has drawbacks as noted in the documentation, however we perform full VM backups of each server so we can always restore from backup if the upgrade fails and we will not need to start the pg9.3 database again.



use hard links instead of copying files to the new cluster
If you ran pg_upgrade with --link, the data files are shared between the old and new cluster. If you started the new cluster, the new server has written to those shared files and it is unsafe to use the old cluster.

Before we get started make a backup of the files pg_hba.conf and postgresql.conf for later use, you will need to use them later to reconstruct the pg11 configs.

Use WGET to grab the RPMS from https://yum.postgresql.org

Install the RPMS for postgres11 that we just downloaded

We will create the data location for postgres11 where the files will be hardlinked and not copied. You can see the tablespace disk locations and the index locations from the pg9.3 install. Its important to create the new pg11 data directory on the same filesystem since we will be using the –link parameter and it uses hardlinks which will not traverse filesystems.

We will need to init a postgres database in our new location on disk data11.

Now we are ready to stop pg9.3 and check pg_upgrade compatibility. pg_upgrade ships with a –check argument that will check the compatibility of the clusters and be sure the upgrade will work before changing any files. Lets stop pg9.3 and run the pg_upgrade with the –check parameter.

Ok checks have passed and the cluster versions are ready for upgrade, lets run this without the –check parameter and upgrade postgres.

OK the pg_upgrade code completed successfully and has generated 2 scripts. One to analyze the new pg11 cluster to get stats for the query planner and vacuum. The other to cleanup and remove the old pg9.3 locations on disk. Let’s start pg11, we will need to create an override file to tell pg11 where the data11 data lives, then we should be able to start postgres and check some things and verify our upgrade.

OK we can see we have pg11 running and we can run the generated scripts to cleanup, but lets take a look at the data and index directories to see what the upgrade produced.

We can view the shell scripts that pg_upgrade produced and cleanup the old pg9.3 references and run the analyze vacuums.

This looks good, lets execute them and cleanup any pg9.3 references as well as remove the pg9.3 rpms.

Remove the pg9.3 rpms and references, set the new data location in the .pgsql_profile.

You can now view the pg_hba.conf and postgresql.conf you saved in /root and add whats needed to the new pg11 configs.

That’s it!!

PSQL Connect To AWS Redshift From Windows 10 PowerShell

Coming from a completely Linux background, I was tasked with connecting to a aws redshift cluster or a postgres cluster via Windows powershell and PSQL. I knew it was possible and searching the internet came up with CMD prompt solutions, when I attempted via powershell, I was faced with the following error below, you will need to install postgres on windows10 to get access to the psql binary, you can get it here:

Turns out a colleague of mine and I figured out you will need to set the variable PGCLIENTENCODING via the powershell command line. This was expected but we could not nail down the syntax, we found it.

Once this is set, you can connect to PG as normal.

POSTGRES – Top 100 Tables In Tablespace

I had a situation where I needed to find the top 100 largest tables in a certain tablespace on a postgres 9 database, in my case we archive tables into an archive1 tablespace. This query will find all the largest relations in the archive1 tablespace. Its important to swap out ‘archive1’ with whatever tablespace you are trying to list.

Hope this helps you out, took some time to get it to work.

Nagios Check Postgres Table Date Column Against now()

I had a situation where a daily sync of a table from one database to another was failing. This table was updated daily so the query should return something like this when it was synced correctly:

I use Nagios very heavily and I setup a custom plugin to check the query’s date against today’s date, this should warn or critical based on user supplied arguments. Here is what a failure looks like when running from the nagios servers command line. This worked well at alerting me when the sync failed, this was integrated into the nagios subsystem and emails and slack alerts are generated as expected.