Nagios Check Postgres Table Date Column Against now()

I had a situation where a daily sync of a table from one database to another was failing. This table was updated daily so the query should return something like this when it was synced correctly:

I use Nagios very heavily and I setup a custom plugin to check the query’s date against today’s date, this should warn or critical based on user supplied arguments. Here is what a failure looks like when running from the nagios servers command line. This worked well at alerting me when the sync failed, this was integrated into the nagios subsystem and emails and slack alerts are generated as expected.


I needed a quick plugin to warn me if one of our AWS REDSHIFT instances had a table count above 6000 and alert critical if above 7000. I decided to write a python plugin for nagios to do the chore. You can see the source code and the example of executing it below on the nagios host.