botocore.exceptions.ReadTimeoutError: Read timeout on endpoint URL:

Recently while working on one of our EMR projects that uses lambdas and airflow, I ran into the following timeout issue:

We have a lambda that was invoked from boto3 in a Airflow step that would update dynamo db with values needed for our pipeline. This function worked in previous tests with no issues. We did add to the lambda function which was causing it to take longer than normal. When we tested the lambda from the console, the function worked fine, albeit it took a bit longer than the previous version. When calling from Airflow we would continually run into the timeout issue, causing the function to be executed multiple times during retries.

I thought to test this function from the awscli and it revealed the issue, the default boto3 timeout is 60 seconds, this was longer than our lambda was taking. So even though we set the lambda timeout to 4 minutes, boto was timing out at 1 minute, never getting the response back from lambda. The way we fixed this was to have boto3 setup a lambda_config that had a longer timeout.

HTTPSConnectionPool(host=’’, port=443): Read timed out

I recently had an issue where one of our EMR clusters failed to bootstrap the python modules via PIP. I checked the logs and saw that we ran into the following error:

I wanted to have PIP not die if it timed out, I also wanted it to retry on failure. By adding the following to my I was able to have the PIP socket timeout at a longer interval, also bump up the retries to 10. I have not seen the issue since I applied the new settings.

From the PIP help page:

Python Function Execute Subprocess With Timeout

I have a project that rsync’s data from an RPM repository for a local version of this repo. The issue I was faced with was the remote mirror would sometimes stop the rsync due to overloaded network or other unforeseen issues. I wanted to use rsyncs hashing algorithm to have it start right where it left off so I wrote a function to do this. If 900 seconds was hit it usually meant there was an issue with the transfer. I also want to state here that I observed the rsync stop serving issue on many mirrors so it was not just an issue with the TCP network. I use this in production and it logs each iteration or restart. The function below will also kill the current rsync so multiple copies are not running at the same time. I also only wanted to perform 5 iterations of rsync upon error or timeout so I use a while loop here.

Here are the individual rsync commands in the INI configuration.

Here is how I call the execute_jobs_timeout() function:

The function:

Log Snippet showing each command executing:

Python3 Subprocess and Rsync Deadlock Strace Timeout

I recently came across a tough to debug issue where I was calling a shell script from python using the subprocess module, this shell script called rsync, no matter what I would always run into a timeout situation. I fired up strace and noticed that the process was in a timeout state.

select(4, NULL, [3], [3], {60, 0}) = 0 (Timeout)

I looked at the subprocess documentation and apparently using pipes will fill the system pipe buffer.


This will deadlock when using stdout=PIPE and/or stderr=PIPE and the child process generates enough output to a pipe such that it blocks waiting for the OS pipe buffer to accept more data. Use communicate() to avoid that.

I was baffled, I finally took the approach to eliminate stderr and stdout and just check the return status of the command using run(). Here is what I finally came up with, and all was well.

Hope you find this and it helps you.